Navigating the Complicated World of Hiring, Firing and Retaining in 2023

Navigating the Complicated World of Hiring, Firing and Retaining in 2023

How documentation must guide your actions in these current employment trends.

The current state of employment can be confusing and treacherous for business owners. Many are not only working to get their businesses back to pre-pandemic operations, but are also competing with social and economic factors that have changed workforce demographics and motivations.

Over just a few years we saw the pandemic flip a decade-long low in unemployment with approximately 23 million job losses by May 2020. Soon after, enough workers quit their jobs that the world dubbed it the Great Resignation. Employment climbed its way back up amidst supply-chain issues and a 9.1% inflation peak in 2022. By the end of 2022, U.S. unemployment was at 3.67%, but many employers cut workforce numbers to brace for another potential storm in early 2023.

An employer’s greatest protection against these headwinds is their ability to maintain sound business practices when managing relationships with employees — and document them appropriately.

3 Employment Trends for 2023

What do hairstylists and doctors have in common? How about business executives and warehouse workers? These and more could all be subject to three key employment trends surfacing and posing a challenge to business owners:

  1. Federal Trade Commission
  2. Department of Labor
  3. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

In the first quarter of 2023, new rules were proposed by the FTC and DOL to ban post-employment noncompete agreements as well as expand the classification of an ‘employee’ and overtime requirements, while the EEOC will increase and shift its enforcement priorities simultaneously. These actions will change the landscape of hiring, firing and retaining workers in 2023 and beyond, should they take hold.

Check out the rest of our e-book to find out what you need to know.

This information is intended for informational purposes only. Protector Plans Executive Liability is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of this information.

4 Tips to Secure D&O Coverage in Uncertain Economic Times

4 Tips to Secure D&O Coverage in Uncertain Economic Times

The best preparation is early preparation, given the current state of the market. Here’s some advice on how to build your D&O program and information about executive liability.

By Greg Boornazian, Christie Vu and Ben Young

Small and medium-sized businesses may face even greater risk for financial impairment in the coming months due to the reduced availability of credit, interest rate increases and the tightening of lending guidelines. With the current state of the market, now is the best time to review your organization’s Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance with your broker to determine if your organization and executives are adequately protected in the event a financial impairment does occur. To help prepare you for coverage negotiations with your insurer, here are a few considerations that underwriters will look for when evaluating companies for D&O coverage:    

4 D&O Placement Tips from the Underwriting Perspective

1. Start early.

Reviewing your D&O insurance program with your broker as early as possible before any potential bankruptcy provides you with the ability to design a program to protect your company and directors and officers in the event a bankruptcy does occur. This allows for better opportunities in the negotiation process for favorable coverage. The closer the company heads to financial impairment, the less likely an insurer will enhance any policy terms or conditions. 

2. Be upfront about the organization’s challenges and strategy.

Underwriters perform an individual risk assessment on the company and look at the macro environment in general, such as market conditions, political changes, segment bubbles and court decisions. While each risk is unique, underwriters manage a book of business with many homogenous groupings. It’s likely your strategic themes will be similar to other risks they have reviewed. Specific details about your funding strategy, profitability plans, unique business model or geographic strengths in your particular segment can make a difference.

Treat your underwriters like they are potential investors in your company. Market conditions for underwriters harden and soften in cycles too so they may be understanding and open to learning how interest rate hikes, high-profile bankruptcies, pandemic-related securities cases, supply chain issues or staffing challenges may impact your company.

Be prepared to answer the following questions that underwriters may ask:

  • Have there been any operational changes? Examples include: any exit from product lines or geographic areas, any downsizing, divestiture or “cash conservation” strategies being implemented, or any past management strategies resulting in an unmanageable risk burden or persistent net losses. 
  • Have you engaged with any third party turn around specialists?
  • Has there been any one-time write-down requirements or other accounting change implementations, including a change in auditor?

3. Meet in person or virtually with underwriters

Addressing potential underwriter concerns may facilitate a smoother D&O placement when conditions are at risk of deteriorating. Relationships matter and with new capacity in the market there are several experienced underwriting teams interested in getting to know more about your risk and reestablishing or forging new relationships with your executive teams. Underwriters who spend time with management to understand the cycles of a given business or strategies to combat threats to profitability may be more agreeable to offer capacity.

4. Elevate the discussion

Include your own experts in the discussion. Chief financial officers, risk managers and general counsel are well suited to best connect with underwriters and add color to the conversation on the spot.

Underwriters prepare for these meetings and will want to engage at a meaningful level to help differentiate your risk from others based on more detail than can be gleaned from an application. By sharing the most recent audited financial statements with notes ahead of time, an underwriter will be able to drill down on certain facets of your company such as details regarding loan covenant defaults and waivers, cash burn coverage capability for the next 12-18 months, accounts receivable / accounts payable imbalances, long-term debt payment obligations, EBITDA and net income trends, and net loss explanations including reasons such as depreciation versus interest expense. 

Also, prepare interim and pro forma information to support management’s thesis. These are critical underwriting details that create a more complete financial picture of the company. 

These are just a few examples of what underwriters are looking to understand when evaluating the financial health of the company but addressing them directly may be conducive to better terms overall. For more advice on how to build your D&O program and to learn more about executive liability, B&B Protector Plans. For more information on what your D&O policy should include ahead of bankruptcy, read Part I of this series.

This information is intended for informational purposes only. Protector Plans Executive Liability is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of this information.

10 D&O Policy Considerations Ahead of a Potential Bankruptcy or Insolvency

10 D&O Policy Considerations Ahead of a Potential Bankruptcy or Insolvency

It’s smart to prepare for risks such as bankruptcy in these uncertain economic times. But, how? Here we share D&O policy considerations ahead of a potential insolvency.

By Greg Boornazian, Christie Vu and Ben Young

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s current push to slow down the U.S. economy is threatening to send the country into a recession[1], putting privately held companies at greater risk for bankruptcy due to their inability to pay down debt and the rising costs of borrowing funds.

Small and medium-sized businesses may face even greater refinancing risk in the coming months due to the reduced availability of credit, interest rate increases and the tightening of lending guidelines.

In the first quarter of 2023 alone, overall commercial bankruptcies increased 19% compared to the first quarter of 2022.[2] With the expiration of most COVID relief programs, such as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act, and rate increases by the U.S. Federal Reserve, more bankruptcies may be on the horizon.[3]

To help protect against these potential risks, organizations can rely on their Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance to safeguard their teammates and their business.

D&O insurance helps protect a company’s bottom line and the personal assets of their corporate executives — past, present and future — against lawsuits brought by shareholders or other parties, including employees, regulators, creditors, vendors, customers and competitors, for their decisions and actions in managing a private company. Coverage is typically for:

  • Defense costs
  • Judgments
  • Settlements 

D&O Policy Coverage Considerations

Because of the state of the economy today, now is the time for you to evaluate your organization’s D&O policy coverage to ensure you are protected in the event of a bankruptcy or other financial insolvency by reviewing the terms, conditions and limits against your current expected operating environments and bankruptcy ruling trends with your broker.

Here are 10 coverage considerations to keep in mind:

1. Debtor-in-possession: In a bankruptcy, typically the company’s current management team stays in place to continue operating the company and is referred to as the “debtor-in-possession.”[4] Your D&O policy should include “debtor-in-possession” as part of its definition of an Insured so that coverage continues.

2. Insured vs. insured exclusion: This provision protects the insurer from providing coverage for collusion and internal disputes between insured parties by excluding coverage for any claim brought by or on behalf of an insured against another insured on the same policy. Ensure the exclusion in your policy includes a carve-back stating that the exclusion does not apply in the event a claim is brought in a bankruptcy proceeding — or some other similar wording — so that the policy provides coverage for any claims brought by a bankruptcy trustee.

3. Conduct exclusion: The actions of your D&Os will likely be scrutinized if a bankruptcy occurs and triggers your policy’s conduct exclusion. For example, a bankruptcy trustee may claim that its D&Os committed fraud, which led to the company’s bankruptcy. Since conduct exclusion language differs across insurers, make sure to:

  • Carefully read the language in your policy to ensure it advances defense protection to the D&Os.
  • Include a requirement that the exclusion applies only if a final, non-appealable judgment against the insured D&O happens.
  • Review the final adjudication requirement in your policy to see if it’s based on “the” or “any” underlying proceeding, to determine how broad the exclusion applies.

4. Order of payment: Review your policy to determine how payments will be made if a bankruptcy occurs. This provision should indicate that payments first be made to the directors and officers to cover any costs not reimbursed by the company.

5. Side-A Coverage and Presumptive Indemnification: Once a bankruptcy proceeding is filed, the court suspends any litigation proceeding except for litigation against directors and officers.[5] As a result, your D&O’s Side-A policy could still be used by directors and officers since it protects them if the company can’t indemnify them.[6] Your D&O policy should include the following two provisions:

  • Any bankruptcy or insolvency issue your company faces does not absolve the insurer of its obligations under the policy.
  • The parties waive any automatic stay that may apply to any proceeds of the policy.

6. Side-B Coverage and Presumptive Indemnification: D&O policies typically include a presumptive indemnification provision stating that the insurer assumes that directors and officers are indemnified by the company to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Whereas Side-A coverage does not include a retention, Side-B coverage does, which is similar to a deductible. The difference: a retention requires the insured to pay for any costs up to the specified amount before the insurer begins to pay.

Some courts have found that D&O policy proceeds are part of the bankruptcy estate since it is corporate reimbursement coverage, not individual protection coverage.7 This could leave D&Os exposed since an automatic stay does not suspend any lawsuits made against them.  

TIP: Ensure your D&O policy includes carve-backs to the presumptive indemnification stating the insurer will pay any costs if the company refuses, is unable or fails to advance or indemnify its D&Os, without applying any retention, unless and until the company has agreed (voluntarily or by court order) to make these payments.

7. Run-Off Coverage. This covers directors and officers up to six years after a merger or acquisition occurs, and only covers actions that happened before the merger or acquisition. Ideally, the D&O policy should not include bankruptcy as a trigger for run-off coverage so the policy can support D&Os who have remained with the company to manage it through murky waters.  

TIP: Discuss terms and pricing with your underwriter in advance, as the quote for this coverage typically is not offered at renewal or when negotiations begin.

8. Wind-Down Coverage. Discuss the need for inclusion of wind down coverage with your broker, concurrent with run-off terms. This helps cover directors and officers while wind-down activities take place after the run-off coverage begins. Endorsements may specify coverage for actual or alleged wrongful acts committed by an insured in connection with the winding down of the business and operations.

TIP: Ask your broker about what the excess layers of your D&O program are offering in terms of pricing and coverage in the event of a run-off, as this coverage can be expensive.

9. Policy Period Extension. In Chapter 11 bankruptcies, a company is usually allowed to continue its business operations while restructuring its debt and working with an assigned committee to develop a reorganization plan.[7] Since D&O policies typically run annually, an extension to the policy period will likely be needed through expected emergence.

TIP: Confirm if your insurer is willing to offer an extension. In addition, ask about restrictions on policy period lengths due to reinsurance requirements. Also ask your broker if incumbent markets are likely to offer go-forward coverage or will a complete remarketing effort be required.

10. Additional D&O Limits. D&O policy liability limits are shared across your organization’s Side-A, Side-B and Side-C coverage. This D&O policy liability limits are shared across your organization’s Side-A, Side-B and Side-C coverage. This can leave directors and officers exposed if the limits have been used on claims to indemnify the company or other employees. To safeguard directors and officers from personal liability, additional limits can be purchased solely for your directors and officers in case the company cannot indemnify them. Here’s a short list of additional D&O limits to consider:

  • An additional limit for Side-A coverage that would apply once the D&O policy and any excess policy is exhausted. 
  • A difference-in-conditions policy. This standalone Side-A policy has few exclusions and may drop down in certain situations, including filling gaps when there are disputes between carriers and insureds.
  • An independent director’s liability (“IDL”) policy may be considered for additional protection. IDL policies are purchased by the individual and may be tailored for those who sit on multiple boards. It’s useful for high-net-worth individuals who serve on boards of small, start-up or non-profit operations whose operating history or financial scope may be limited.   

The above considerations highlight just a few of the ways a D&O policy can protect your directors and officers in the event of a bankruptcy. For more advice on how to build your D&O program and to learn more about executive liability, contact B&B Protector Plans.

For information on what underwriters are looking for in placing a D&O policy, read Part II of this article here.

This information is intended for informational purposes only. Protector Plans Executive Liability is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of this information.

[1] CNBC “No exit ramp for Fed’s Powell until he creates a recession, economist says,” March 8, 2023.

[2] Epiq “Bankruptcy Filings Increase All Chapters in March; Commercial Filings Up 79 Percent Year-Over-Year,” April 3, 2023. 

[3] S&P Global Market Intelligence “US corporate bankruptcy filings hit 12-year high in first 2 months of 2023,” March 3, 2023.

[4] United States Courts “Chapter 11 – Bankruptcy Basics.” 

[5] Rivkin Radler “The Reach of the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy: Far, But Not That Far,” December 10, 2015.  

[6] American Bar Association. “Whose Policy is It, Anyway? A Debtor’s Insurance Policies and Rights to Policy Proceeds,” December 14, 2014.

[7] Houston Chronicle “What is the Difference Between Liquidation and Emergency in Bankruptcy?

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Why Shipping Insurance Can Be Your Competitive Advantage

Why Shipping Insurance Can Be Your Competitive Advantage

Shipping insurance can protect your brand and your profits by providing coverage for lost or damaged packages. Whether you are shipping or receiving items, this lesser-known coverage can help replace lost or damaged packages.

By Lisa Lash

A lost or damaged package can disrupt your business operations, and lead to unsatisfied customers, negative reviews and expensive replacement costs.

Shipping insurance – also known as parcel insurance – can’t prevent your packages from getting lost, but it can shield you from costly replacement expenses. Shipping insurance also protects your financial interests by delivering at least 50% savings over coverage from shipping carriers at the point of sale (POS).

While import volumes are below the record-setting levels that sparked port congestion, shipping backups and wayward packages at the height of the pandemic, volumes are still higher than pre-pandemic levels.[1] Higher volumes can lead to more lost or damaged packages, making shipping insurance a more important investment than ever to protect your business and your reputation.

Who is parcel insurance for?

If your business ships lower-priced items, such as t-shirts valued at $5, the automatic coverage of up to $100 available through UPS, FedEx, USPS and other carriers at the POS may be enough coverage.  

It’s companies that ship or receive a high volume of goods, typically at least 3-5 packages a day, at an individual value of $100 or more, that can benefit most from parcel insurance. That’s because it is more cost-effective and covers more than what is automatically available at the POS from a shipping company. In fact, parcel insurance can cost 50% less than coverage available at the POS.

What does parcel insurance cover?

Not everyone is aware that parcel insurance is available as an alternative to POS coverage. If your company ships a high volume of goods, obtaining parcel insurance can provide a competitive advantage because the cost for parcel insurance is based only on the value of the items you ship, not the size or weight of each package. Insurance costs are also not based on a set monthly premium. You pay only for each box shipped.

Shipping insurance can cover high-cost goods, including the following items:

  • Furs
  • Artwork
  • Jewelry
  • Laptops
  • Cell phones

Commodities not usually covered by parcel insurance include gift cards, lottery tickets, game tickets, loose diamonds or stones, and personal or gift items shipped by employees. Parcel insurance also does not cover items delayed in transit, or fraudulent claims.

How does parcel insurance work?

Parcel insurance coverage is right-sized. Therefore, your monthly coverage costs are based only on the value of what you ship each month, based directly on your manifest report. For example, if you ship more items during the holiday season, your parcel insurance costs will be higher at that time than the months when you ship less.

Parcel coverage safeguards against lost or damaged items and can also cover items shipped to you. Insurance providers simply need to know the industry you’re in and the types of goods that you typically ship. Since international buyers tend to lose parcels more frequently, this coverage can be especially valuable for global shipping.

Any drastic changes to what you typically ship must be reported to your shipping insurance provider. For example, if your business typically ships customer packages and then when participating in a tradeshow, you need to ship items to the event, such as six big-screen TVs and a display and other high-value items, you would need to report the different types of items being shipped to ensure coverage.

What are some common parcel insurance claims?

Packaging items well and tracking delivery can help avoid claims, but mishaps still happen even to the most careful shippers. Here are two common claims scenarios:

  • The delivery that disappeared. This typically involves a misdelivered package. The buyer didn’t receive the package, even if there’s a delivery scan. In this scenario, shipping insurance covers the cost of refunding the buyer if they really didn’t receive the item.
  • The dropped and damaged delivery. Often, a box will fall and damage the contents, such as the glass on an electronics screen. Other times, it could be a rare item that breaks, such as a set of expensive china or pottery. Shipping insurance offers protection when contents are damaged.

How long does it take to get started?

Businesses can start using their Parcel Insurance on the same day they obtain it, and most insurance providers can provide you a quote and issue a policy in one day as well. After uploading the free software from your parcel insurance provider to integrate with the manifest shipping software, your insurance provider will have access to your packages shipped and can begin your coverage.  

For more information about parcel shipping insurance, contact  Parcel Insurance Plan.

[1] Port Calls “US record imports streak ends, volumes still high,” September 2022.

Lawyer’s Protector Plan® (LPP) now offers Excess & Surplus lines insurance coverage

Lawyer’s Protector Plan® (LPP) now offers Excess & Surplus lines insurance coverage

Lawyer’s Protector Plan, a division of Protector Plans, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brown & Brown, Inc., announced today that they have expanded their lawyers’ professional liability insurance product offering to include an Excess & Surplus (E&S) lines product in addition to its longstanding admitted primary and excess coverage. Long recognized in the marketplace for exceptional service and long-standing commitment to small and mid-sized law firms, the LPP program is the preferred professional liability insurance choice for even more attorneys nationwide.Forward-looking vision, well-executed underwriting strategies and strong partner relationships have kept LPP a stable force in the legal insurance marketplace for over 40 years.

“Our enhanced product offerings help us deliver high quality lawyers’ professional liability products and services at exceptional levels of customer service and value to agent partners and policyholders,” said Christina Melia, vice president and program leader of LPP. “Our team understands that the practice of law continues to evolve and that we must evolve to provide new and innovative insurance solutions. We have demonstrated our commitment to small and mid-sized law firms and have successfully underwritten firms with as many as 50 attorneys across the country.”

Lawyer’s Protector Plan’s E&S program provides underwriting solutions for firms with specialized needs. Program highlights include:

  • Comprehensive E&S policy form available in most states
  • Ability to bind off most competitors’ lawyers’ professional liability applications
  • Opportunity for law firms to move to admitted product after rehabilitation
  • Reviewed by LPP underwriters with over 110 years of combined experience dedicated exclusively to lawyers’ professional liability coverage
  • In-house claims team established in 2000, led and operated by former practicing attorneys 

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